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6 practical uses for coconut oil

6 Practical Uses for Coconut Oil

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Coconut oil has to be one of, if not THE, most multipurpose item in my home. This stuff seriously has so many practical uses and benefits. Here is just a smidgen of what I found out about coconut oil over the years:

  • adds moisture to the skin, which can help skin conditions like eczema
  • helps to kill off bacteria, viruses, and fungi
  • helps burn fat and reduces hunger
  • raises HDL (good cholesterol)

My favorite ways to use coconut oil are:


Coconut oil works great on the skin as a deep moisturizer. I like to mix it with cocoa butter for an extra deep moisturizer. It leaves the skin a little greasy for a short time but it works great on really dry skin. Sometimes I add some essential oils for a nice scent, or for extra benefits.

Carrier Oil

Coconut Oil is my go-to carrier oil for essential oils. I use fractionated coconut oil when I make my own roller blends. I use cold pressed coconut oil for just about any other topical application of essential oils, including adding them to bath water.

Face Cleaner

I was super skeptical of using coconut oil to clean my face. The thought of rubbing oil all over my face to remove oil, dirt, and whatnot just didn’t seem like a great idea, but I gave it a try.

I made my own face cleaner by adding additional ingredients to the coconut oil. As long as I use this face cleaner every day or every other day I won’t break out. Right after using it my skin feels very mildly oily, but this goes away pretty fast.

Hair Conditioner

My hair gets dry, crunchy, and frizzy and coconut oil works great to tame it. It can be used as a deep conditioner by coating the hair and letting it sit for a few hours, then washing it out.

I like to put a smaller amount of coconut oil in my hair after I get out of the shower. I coat the ends really good and leave it in all day.

Oral Care

Coconut oil can be used to make your own toothpaste by adding baking soda to it. Add some essential oils brings other benefits. It is also great for oil pulling (swishing around in your mouth like mouthwash for 10-20 minutes) to remove bacteria and toxins.


I love cooking with coconut oil since it is a healthier fat. One of my favorite ways to use it is in place of butter on popcorn, eggs, or anything I feel like adding a coco-nutty flavor to. When cooking with it, remember not to use it for temperatures higher than 325°.

What are you waiting for?

If you haven’t used coconut oil yet, and even if you have, I encourage you to do more research and see where else you can fit this wonderful oil into your life.

I have obviously found some great uses for coconut oil, have you? feel free to tell me how you love, or would love, to use coconut oil by leaving a comment below. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

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Peace, love, and happiness to all❣️

2 comments on “6 Practical Uses for Coconut Oil

  1. I have the driest hands (from all the cleaning, obvs!) and I also have this frizzy hair you speak of! So maybe coconut oil is the thing for me. Will raid the cupboards now. I do use it in cooking, and stick it in the little one’s purees too for a bit of fat and flavour. Good times. 😂 xx

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