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Cheering Like a Lunatic – I Live for the Moments Like This

Most parents enjoy watching their kids play at the park. There are few parents that watch their kids play at the park while cheering like a lunatic on the inside…or outside, for some. For those of you wondering why anyone would do that, you obviously don’t have a special needs child. I’m sure the special needs parents get me on this.

I was that mom cheering like a lunatic on March 15th at the park after speech therapy. For the first time ever Kailanie walked through the wood chips, more than a step or two, unassisted. She did this right after grabbing on to the bar at the top of the slide and crazy swinging back and forth, like a “typical” child, for the first time ever.

Are you still wondering why I am cheering like a lunatic because my daughter did “typical” kids things? You see, I’ve watched my daughter struggle her whole life to do “typical” kid stuff. Her mobility, low muscle tone, balance, and many other obstacles have always been in her way, but not this time. This time she nailed it.

On that day, at that park, on that play structure, I witnessed Kailanie doing every day kid stuff. The same activities I watch her older and younger brothers do every day. But this day was Kailanie’s turn. It felt magical to watch her maneuver around the playground independently. She wanted me by her side to play with her, and not to help her.

Right before publishing this post Kailanie did another first. She walked through the sand unassisted for the first time. I feel like my princess is growing and blooming leaps and bounds lately. For everyone following her in a regular basis, we love you all and thanks you so much for the support!

Most of Kailanie’s life has been a step or two forward, followed by one or two steps backward. To watch her gain some serious ground and playing like a typical kid was/is amazing – I live for the moments like this.


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6 comments on “Cheering Like a Lunatic – I Live for the Moments Like This

  1. These are truly fantastic moments. You’ve got every right to do the lunatic thing! You must be so proud of your amazing little girl. Xx

  2. Vanessa, I do not have a special needs child but do have so much empathy and compassion for you, your family, your story. Though I do not know you, I love reading your blog posts. You are such an incredible mom!
    You definitely inspire me to cherish ALL of those moments with my own kiddos. Thank you for sharing your story.

    1. Thank you for reading our story, and for your kind words. I hope we can continue to inspire others to cherish even the smallest of moments. Thanks again for the encouraging words. 💜

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